This Site

This is my first post on this comic-like-rustic looking website! and is very special to me.

I was writing down possible ideas that could be used in my first blog post. And I thought, why not talk about the purpose of this website and blog?

This is just a website where I document my readings, super-cool tech that i encounter, the experiences while attending conferences around the world and much more; basically, the idea is to experiment with the mediums I can get my hand over and push my creative boundaries. I just wanna be more productive and stay minimal.

By blogging, I believe that I could share my ideas with a lot of people like you.

In this big cluttered internet, you have found me and you are reading my blog now. Isn’t that wonderful? ╰(°▽°)╯

I have always been a huge fan of classic web experiences. I want to build a website that is classic in looks but modern in thoughts.

So I created this minimal comic-like old website. The website is to read and enjoy the experience. There are no ads, analytics, or crazy animations, that distract a good reader.

I tried various hugo themes before, like the one on my previous blog, was built upon a hugo theme and hosted on netlify. I was bored and was exploring something unique that can be created! I tried creating a website using Nuxtjs and honestly I never worked with vue much but I liked how easy it is to use Nuxt. But, I am just an average javascript disliker, I like pure html. The internet has become a bloated mess because of massive JavaScript libraries, tons of popups, huge images and other media that requires years to request and download. But we can make a difference – all it takes is some optimisation.

While exploring some frameworks I discovered astro which renders your entire page to static HTML, removing all JavaScript from your final build by default. So, I decided to give it a try, and that’s why this website is built using Astro. I vaguely remembered seeing a similar website like mine before as well but I actually didn’t remember so with just an idea in mind I created this rustic website which also serves as my portfolio.

Just to let you know, This website comes under WTFPL licence so you can use my website however you want, it’s totally free!

Even though I made this website to help me write regularly, share my ideas, and have my own online space, I hope everyone who reads it has a great reading experience.